Friday, 23 September 2016

Fuck Jesus?

Today, we have a couple of stories from the first box office gig of "The Crimson Chin". She was young, innocent and full of hope and helpfulness.

"I know some tickets will be getting released for that sold out show any minute now, so would it be OK if I waited on the line until two tickets show up?"
"Yes, of course. Fingers crossed. I'll just pop you on hold while we wait."

*2 minutes pass while this lovely man chats to a friend*

"Hello, sir. There are two tickets now available for that show. Sir? Sir!? Sir, the tickets are vanishing in front of my eyes! Sir, do you need these tickets!? SIR!? OH MY GOD! NOOOO!"

It was at this point that I noticed I had never taken the customer off hold, and that they had not heard a word I had said.

"Oh hello, sir. Two tickets was it? I'm afraid only one was released. Sorry."
"Oh that's a pity. Thanks for trying."

Later in that same job....

"Hello, I would like two tickets to...."
*explosions ring through the night sky as a jet streaks overhead*

At this point, I hid under the ticket desk from the bombs. No bombs. I peaked up from under the counter to see a quite bewildered and startled customer.

"Nobody else thought we were being attacked?"
"What have I told you about cursing at customers? Those were fireworks, as part of the festival."

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